Rules and Regulations
To promote discipline, school has some important rules and regulations which are as follows:
1. Parents visit to school
Besides meeting on PT meet day, parents are welcomed to meet the Principal / HOD's / Teachers on MONDAY with prior intimation on Mob No 9216688280. The timings are as follow:
Summer Winter
1:30 pm to 2:30 pm 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
2. Eatables in School
i. Child should carry healthy food having nutritious value. At school age,
there is physical and mental growth of the child.
ii. Child is not allowed to buy food from outside.
3. Procedure of availing leave by students
i. Leave is granted in case of illness or for some emergency only.
ii. Leave application signed by either father or mother is to be submitted at
reception counter or to class teacher
4. Regarding transportation
Parents are requested to ensure that their wards do not drive any vehicle to the school as underage driving is against the law. Students who are not having driving license are not allowed to come to school on scooter/bike and also school is not having parking facility inside school premises.
5. Mobile phones / Pen drive /CD
Bringing a mobile phone/ pen drive/ CD to school is strictly prohibited. It will be confiscated and it will not be returned. Strict action will be taken including imposing of fine.
6. Books and Uniform
List of books and details of uniform are displayed on the school notice board.
7. Instructions regarding uniform
Children must wear proper uniform and polished shoes. Long hair of girls is to be plaited neatly. Only simple plain black hair band/clips are to be used. Students coming to school without uniform are not allowed to attend classes
8. Identity Card
Identity cards are issued by school and student is required to wear identity card while coming to school. In case identity card is lost, new card will be issued on the payment of Rs. 50